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The Healing Benefits of Mint

12 May 2018

Mint for Healing

Not a big fan of mint? Or maybe you’re like me and you love it.. well either way you’ll be impressed by its many healing benefits...

The mint plant looks plain but if you take a closer look you will know there are a variety of mint ranging from shiny, smooth, crinkled and fuzzy. It has an aromatic fragrance and a lovely taste; when dried, mint is garnished on food, as seasoning or even as herbal tea and surprisingly for some people they use it as air freshener (I know I do!)

Mint plants can be bought at the nearest organic farm, however you can also grow this plant in your own garden or grow it in a small plant pot inside your home. It thrives in light soil and a moist area where the drainage site is good. It will not only make your home look nice and lovely but it will smell really good too!

Nowadays, most products we use have mint as the base element. Products like toothpaste, candies, mouthwash and inhalers. (Can you name other products that have mint as their base element?)

It’s extremely important to choose products that are safe and don’t contain hazardous substances especially when kids are around and pets (dōTERRA essential oils are high-quality therapeutic grade oils that can be used safely and effectively on your dog).

Pets may react differently to certain oil but here are examples of oils for dogs that can be harmful*:

  • Clove
  • Garlic
  • Juniper
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Thyme
  • Wintergreen

*Disclaimer: I am not an expert in animal wellness nor the safety of essential oils. This is just a guideline. Please talk to your trusted vet/holistic vet or qualified aromatherapist for expert advice.

Not All Oils Were Created Equally:

I much prefer to use pure essential oils in a diffuser such as dōTERRA therapeutic grade oils as opposed to cheap synthetic (and often toxic) air fresheners.

Ok, so we got a little bit sidetracked there on the oils thing, whoopsie! Back onto the topic of mint...

Healing Benefits of Mint

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Mint is a potent source of antioxidants compared to other herbs and spices. Its richness in antioxidants can help the body fight and recover easily from stress. Not only is it rich in antioxidants but it is rich in vitamin A too (a fat soluble vitamin that can protect eye health.)
  • Can Improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome - this a common digestive tract disorder and I know how uncomfortable this can be because I have an experience with this before (Tammy can you please share your story?) with symptoms such as gas, bloating, stomach pain and irregular bowel habits. Mint (peppermint oil) can help a lot in alleviating pain and relaxing muscles of the digestive tract caused by Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Mint is also use to relieve indigestion.
  • Improve Brain Function - smelling the aromatic scent of peppermint oil is said to be effective in improving the memory and brain function and can increase alertness and focus. This claim needs more research but a study made by the North American Journal of Psychology, 2009 said that the odour of peppermint and cinnamon can:

“(1) enhance motivation, performance, and alertness, (2) decrease fatigue, and (3) serve as central nervous system stimulants.”

  • Combat Cold Symptoms - menthol in mint is can effectively improve breathing and relief from cold and flu symptoms.
  • Perfect for your Diet - Mint is so easy to add to your food like yoghurt, tea, salad, smoothies, juice and desserts. It goes well with peas, zucchini, cheese, cold soups and fresh beans.

If you want to use mint as part of your diet, make sure it is organic and fresh to retain its remarkable medicinal properties.








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