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Burnout & Adrenal Support Supplements

Perfect Organic Acerola Cherry Powder - Vitamin C Superfood Perfect Organic Acerola Cherry Powder - Vitamin C Superfood

Perfect Organic Acerola Cherry Powder - Vitamin C Superfood

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Perfect Magnesium Citrate Powder 270g Perfect Magnesium Citrate Powder 270g

Perfect Magnesium Citrate Powder 270g

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Perfect Rhodiola Rosea Perfect Rhodiola Rosea

Perfect Rhodiola Rosea

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Perfect Magnesium Citrate Capsules Perfect Magnesium Citrate Capsules

Perfect Magnesium Citrate Capsules

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Evolution Botanicals Organic Ashwagandha Extract (powder) 100g Evolution Botanicals Organic Ashwagandha Extract (powder) 100g

Evolution Botanicals Organic Ashwagandha Extract (powder) 100g

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Perfect Organic Acerola Cherry Vitamin C Superfood 120 Capsules

Perfect Organic Acerola Cherry Vitamin C Superfood 120 Capsules

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Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil + Concentrated Butter Oil Capsules

Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil + Concentrated Butter Oil Capsules

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Redmond Real Salt 248g Shaker

Redmond Real Salt 248g Shaker

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Power Super Foods Organic Maca Powder 350g

Power Super Foods Organic Maca Powder 350g

Burnout & Adrenal Support Supplements

Adrenal fatigue happens in stages and burnout is the final stage, where your adrenals quite literally burn out and cease to function normally.

It's not super common to reach this phase as we have warning signs along the way and most people deal with things when the signs start to show.

If you do reach this stage, your adrenal glands have ceased their normal function and you will probably want to work closely with your trusted health practitioner (an integrative doctor would likely have a better approach to healing and incorporating nutrition)

Adrenal support can come in the form of adaptogens such as the ones found in this collection.

Remember though, always be kind to yourself. Adrenal fatigue and burnout manifest because we aren't looking after ourselves and we let the stress and problems take over (that is my perspective on it as someone who has experienced adrenal fatigue) Tam x

PS: if you'd like to learn more about Rhodiola (one of our best herbal supplements/adaptogens for burnout, you can read our article here.

Nutrients Needed for Burnout:

  • Vitamin C (Perfect Acerola Cherry)
  • Magnesium (Perfect Magnesium Powder/Capsules)
  • Omega-3's (Cod liver oil, Cod Liver oil + Butter oil, Skate liver oil)
  • Adaptogens (Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Schisandra)