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Detox Your Body Naturally After the Holidays

07 January 2016

Kick Off The New Year with a Bang!

The holidays give us the best excuse to indulge in food and booze. Christmas and the New Year celebrations has come and gone and now you might be feeling all bloated up from the carbs, sugar and salty food you’ve eaten.

It’s time to leave your old ways behind and start a new in 2016. Detox your body naturally with these healthy tips that will do the trick in no time to get you back in shape.

Waste no time and allow your body to relax after the heavy workload you’ve been giving it over the holidays.

1. Drink Up (and I don’t mean alcohol ha ha)

Out of all the many healthy tips out there, I’m pretty sure drinking lots of water have become overrated on people’s list. Water is a source of life and it’s not a question why we should be drinking it. A number of health benefits can be traced back to drinking water like the following:

  • Helps maintain the balance of body fluids.
  • Controls the calories
  • Energises the muscles
  • Young looking skin
  • Rids the body of toxins
  • Normal bowel function

Drink at least 1.8 litres or 64 ounces of water per day and if you are exercising, drink more water to compensate with the bodily fluids coming out of your body. Proper hydration is one of the fastest ways to flush out all the gunk and excess bloat.

2. Sweat it Out!

If you wrote down ‘workout’ or ‘exercise more’ in your New year’s resolution list, do it now! Don’t wait for tomorrow or next week, be willing to do it ASAP and challenge yourself to have an active lifestyle.

Try mixing your activities to make it more fun and exciting, after all there’s no rule that exercise should be boring and beige. Exercising isn’t a way to punish yourself from the holiday guilt, rather it’s to motivate your mind and body to feel great and look optimistically towards a healthier future!

Go ahead and move, stretch, breathe and sweat it all out to get yourself back on track.

When you’re too busy to go out and do outdoor activities, I would personally recommend doing yoga at home. Incorporate yoga in your activities to clear your mind, help the body eliminate toxins, build lean muscles and to help you with your posture. If yoga is new to you, there are many ways where you can get started such as the internet, magazines and videos.

3. Mumma Said “Eat Your Greens”

Eating veggies makes me happy because I know it makes my liver and other body organs happier. Our Liver is the most vital detox organ of the body so make sure you give it the cleansing and detoxing it needs to a healthier and cleaner you.

Add fruit and vegetables such as berries, broccoli, kale, celery, spinach and cauliflower in your diet to increase the detoxifying enzymes created in your liver. The more you eat green, the more your liver gets clean. Add superfoods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, avocado, walnuts, chia seeds, apple, almonds and olive oil. They have what it takes to assist in a healthy detoxifying process.

*Be sure to steam cruciferous veggies is you have a thyroid issue and especially kale and spinach if trying to reduce oxalates.

4. Get Juicy

One of the most amazing ways of detoxing I’ve tried is juicing. Juicing helps remove toxic build up in the body and is rich in nutrients essential for the different organ functions. Cold pressed juices contain high levels of nutrients and enzymes. These high levels of vitamins and minerals help to support and flush out toxins from the body especially in your liver, heart, kidney and gallbladder.

The key to achieve a healthier 2016 is to stay focused on your action plans and be mindful of what you eat or anything else that you shove in your gob. Your body will only respond to whatever you feed it, if you feed it with junk, it will become a junkyard but if you feed it the right fuels it will purr like a Lamborghini (I sure know I’d rather feel like a powerful sports car than a beat up old truck)!

So cheers (with your glass of green juice) to a healthier and promising new year.

A quick note on green juice: Something I have learnt over the years is that green smoothies or green juices aren't always healthy as they may seem? If you add raw kale or spinach this may end up creating other health issues due to high levels of oxalic acid and goitrogens in the cruciferous greens like kale.

You may be better off adding things like Organic Spirulina and Organic Matchinga to your smoothie or juice to give it that green element of health.

*Disclaimer: the information in this article is intended purely as information and not health advice. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure and one should always seek expert advice from their trusted health practitioner.


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