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What we put on our skin is just as important as what we put in our mouth because, essentially, what we put on our skin, ends up in our body.
Our skin is the largest organ of our body, absorbing whatever gets lathered or sprayed onto it.
Deodorant or Antiperspirant?
We will primarily be speaking about antiperspirants but will mention deodorant also, as they both contain chemicals. Chemicals that may be harmful to health (hormone health especially) and that may pose a potential cancer risk*.
*The studies on this have proven inconclusive though we feel that avoiding putting chemicals in such a delicate and absorbable part of the body is probably for the best.
Many folks still wear these products today, and this may be through a lack of education, or they've been influenced by other sources where someone has convinced them that these products are safe. Maybe even their doctor?
We aren't here to tell you what you should be doing, but we will give you the information, and you can make up your mind.
There are plenty of natural solutions to armpit hygiene and stick around for these if this topic interests you.
Before we get into solutions, we'd like to discuss the reasons people use these products in the first place.
Why Use Deodorant/Antiperspirant?
Antiperspirants, in particular, are used to block sweat and prevent odour, but the thing is, we need to sweat; sweating is natural, and sweating through our armpits is incredibly detoxifying.
This cleansing process helps to remove harmful toxins that we would not want recirculating and settling in various tissues of our body (tissues like the breast).
Sweating is one of our essential detox pathways; keeping these pathways functioning and open is vital to our well-being and preventing sickness.
I and others have this theory (and it is only a theory, so take it as you will) that antiperspirants are one of the major contributors to sickness, breast cancer, and brain disease!
I conclude this because of my research on aluminium/aluminum. This toxic metal is not suitable for the body and can be harmful.
You only need to search the net for 'aluminum and brain health,' and you'll find many studies linking this metal to issues in the brain and body. For example, one PubMed article stated that Aluminum/aluminium is a neurotoxin for humans and animals. It does not belong in our body in any amount, and if allowed to accumulate, this could be where we see big problems for health.
Then we have the risk to the health of the breast. In a separate PubMed article, they said the following:
"Coincidentally, the upper outer quadrant of the breast is where there is also a disproportionately high incidence of breast cysts and breast cancer."
If you think about where the upper outer quadrant is, about your armpit, you will notice that they are near each other.
Is it wise to spray aluminum/aluminium there? I mean, it is right there.
Our armpits are designed to sweat; as mentioned earlier, this sweat is full of toxins that need to be released and cleared from the body.
The problem with blocking this (armpit) sweat is that the lymph glands get blocked, which can increase the risk of breast cancer.
When toxins recirculate (that were supposed to be expelled via the underarms) and end up settling in various bodily tissues (such as the breast).
While this issue remains controversial, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that aluminum/aluminium is toxic to the body, and we should keep it out at every opportunity.
Aluminum/aluminium has also been linked to low kidney function.
There are many chemicals in commercial deodorants that you'd be better off not exposing yourself to. These may include parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, phthalates, and much more!
These chemicals all potentially severely harm our health, including causing cancer.
You may expect to find chemicals in your deodorant: fragrance/parfum, parabens, phthalates, propylene glycol, and triclosan.
These chemicals may be of concern:
- Parabens: this chemical is a known oestrogen disruptor (messes with your oestrogen), which can wreak havoc on how you feel and function.
- Fragrance/parfum: parfum and 'fragrance' is a synthetic fragrance that can cause headaches, migraine, asthma, hay fever, dizziness, difficulty breathing, rash, congestion, nausea, and even seizures!
- Phthalates: this chemical is linked to asthma, congenital disabilities, and reproductive issues. Phthalates are a known endocrine-disrupter which can effect hormone balance. This is especially concerning for women in perimenopause/menopause and post-menopause as our sex hormones aren't what they were when we were in our younger years so we really need to be mindful of reducing exposure to phthalates.
- Propylene Glycol: the research is inconclusive on this one, but I'm a believer in avoiding any chemical that may pose a risk
So What is the solution?
Many natural deodorants are available these days; some don't work, some are just ok, and some work very effectively. I was on the hunt for at least a decade to find a deodorant that worked for me, and I found one!
We now have this made and labeled to provide this solution to our customers looking for a better way. I named the product 'ZePits' because it's for THE Pits, get it? I thought it was a clever name, I hope you like it too. 😉
The Many Reasons to Switch to ZePits™
- It's 100% natural
- Aluminum/aluminium-free
- Chemical-free
- Non-toxic
- Cruelty-free
- Vegan-friendly
- Refillable many times over (for 4-6 months)
- Economical
- It actually WORKS!
At first, the price may seem up there, but when you understand how it works, your benefits, and how long a bottle will last, you will want to invest. It actually works out quite economical.

We have 6 naturally-fragranced options to choose from:
- Fresh & Invigorating Blend - 'His or Hers'
- Zesty & Clean - 'Blissful Citrus'
- Floral & Feminine - Flowers Forever'
- Calming & Soothing - 'Peaceful Lavender'
- Exotic & Intoxicating' (in the best way) - 'Bali Beauty'
- Un-fragranced - for sensitive skin
Remember, store-bought antiperspirants and deodorants are cheaper because they contain cheap chemicals. Cheaper is not better in the long run.
Your Health is Your Wealth™
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This article is strictly informational and not intended as health advice. Statements made have not been evaluated by the TGA and are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent. One should always consult with their trusted health professional before adding a new supplement to their diet.