The Main Cause of Obesity
Inactivity or sedentary lifestyle gets the biggest blame for extra flubs found on our bod’s. Truth be told, it’s not so much the lack of exercise that causes obesity in a person but eating foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates.
According to Medical News Today, no exercise can counter the effects of a bad and unhealthy diet even if the activity is to be strenuous. Hitting the gym is not going to be a solution or compensation if your feeding your face with junk food on a regular basis.
Many people actually believe that obesity is caused by a lack of exercise and researchers do not dismiss the fact that regular exercise does have its benefits to the body but they also argued that it does not promote weight loss as effectively as dietary changes can.

In the past 30 years, obesity increased in number affecting thousands of people all over the world even with the involvement of regular physical activity. This is not to say that one should not exercise anymore, being physically active still has its benefits but must be accompanied with a healthy diet.
Moderate physical activity can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease development, Type 2 Diabetes (Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes), Dementia and some cancer by at least 30 percent).
Poor diet was now recognised as being responsible for more disease than physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking combined. Information published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine states that obesity culprits are sugar and carbs, not lack of exercise.
The Role of TV Ads
TV ads from the food industry have created a false perception towards dietary changes, making people believe that obesity is caused entirely by a lack of exercise. One of the examples for misleading information is from Coca Cola. They spent 3.3 billion US dollars on advertising in 2013 and Coca Cola company pushes a message to the public that “all calories count” and they associated their products with sport, giving people the idea that it is good to drink Coke (soft drinks) as long as you exercise and as long as cardiovascular needs are met.
It is time to expose the truth to the public that the information they know about junk foods and soft drinks are misleading and wrong. Not all calories ARE equal! It is just ludicrous to think that you’d get the same effects from consuming a glass of fresh, cold-pressed juice and a can of coke? Yes, they are both high in sugar but one has nutrients and one has empty calories (the coke).
PLUS, coke often contains high fructose corn syrup that may be from GMO corn! ☹️
However, in saying that about fruit juice, it is best to limit one’s intake of juices as they are high in fructose (a type of sugar) so if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to limit all sugars to a minimum and certainly avoid anything that contains empty calories such as soft drinks and alcohol.
What We Need To Know
Recent research shows that cutting down on dietary carbohydrates is the single most effective way for decreasing all of the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome and must therefore be the primary strategy for treating diabetes, with benefits occurring even in the absence of weight loss.
We know for a fact that sugar calories promote fat storage in the body and increases hunger; fat calories induce fullness or satiation. A person should have no more than 150 calories in sugar everyday, the risk for diabetes greatly increases regardless of how much or little we actively move our bodies.
Where To Begin?
Start with getting good fats from animal sources into your diet as these are rich in fat-soluble vitamins and important fats that your body needs for protection and good health.
- Grass-fed Ghee
- Grass-fed butter
- Cod liver oil (fermented if possible)
*Disclaimer: the information in this article is intended purely as information and not health advice. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure and one should always seek expert advice from their trusted health practitioner.